If you don't you must be part of that small exclusive club of "Daughters-in-Law Who are Adored" - Total amount of members: 3 (global). OK, ok don't kill me, I know there are some wonderful MILs out there, who dote on their sons wives and kids. They send you magazine subscriptions for Mothers Day and white wine when it rains... good for you! Treasure that MIL, in fact preserve her in spices and bottle her... she'll fetch a good price, I promise you! I would buy a good loving MIL in a heartbeat. Not that I have anything to complain about really, since I have no relationship with my MIL whatsoever. We've ignored each other since I married her first born, and since her first born also ignores her (and pretty much anyone he's related to) I can blissfully go through life pretending I have no ILs and more importantly, no MIL.
Sigh... if life were only that simple! The bad MILs have the ability to turn up like a bad muscle pull in your neck. Take my MIL for example, she's never seen her grandkids (except from a distance), and has nothing to do with us. But on any given day, if she's bored enough, she can push her way into our lives somehow, some way.
I'll use our anniversary as an example, the woman sent us an e-card this year. Isn't that wonderful? The same woman who refuses to acknowledge her only grandkids since their birth, never bothers to call or even attempt some sort of reconciliation with her son, decides to send us anniversary wishes in the form of a free e-card. My husband finds it amusing, and so do I, but my amusement usually covers a lot of disgust. Now some may say that she seems to be trying, but really, anniversary wishes? Why no card for my kids 3rd birthday which was less than four months ago? I shake my head in disgust at this woman and her pathetic attempts to make herself feel good. But such is life, and I'd rather have her away than close, sadly her son feels the same. It was his idea initially in case anyone was wondering.
But will that stop me from ranting about it every once in a while? I doubt it (snicker). And if you're a DIL who hates her MIL, you'll understand the pleasures of letting it all out, and occasionally (ok ok often) calling your MIL every dirty name in the book, and even inventing a few new names as you go along.
Sigh... if life were only that simple! The bad MILs have the ability to turn up like a bad muscle pull in your neck. Take my MIL for example, she's never seen her grandkids (except from a distance), and has nothing to do with us. But on any given day, if she's bored enough, she can push her way into our lives somehow, some way.
I'll use our anniversary as an example, the woman sent us an e-card this year. Isn't that wonderful? The same woman who refuses to acknowledge her only grandkids since their birth, never bothers to call or even attempt some sort of reconciliation with her son, decides to send us anniversary wishes in the form of a free e-card. My husband finds it amusing, and so do I, but my amusement usually covers a lot of disgust. Now some may say that she seems to be trying, but really, anniversary wishes? Why no card for my kids 3rd birthday which was less than four months ago? I shake my head in disgust at this woman and her pathetic attempts to make herself feel good. But such is life, and I'd rather have her away than close, sadly her son feels the same. It was his idea initially in case anyone was wondering.
But will that stop me from ranting about it every once in a while? I doubt it (snicker). And if you're a DIL who hates her MIL, you'll understand the pleasures of letting it all out, and occasionally (ok ok often) calling your MIL every dirty name in the book, and even inventing a few new names as you go along.
1 comment:
UM Yeah.. well.. I'm not so lucky.. mine lives like 8 miles away, but yet, I never hear from her, never get a "how are you" phone call, and she only comes over when it's convenient for her... like her laptop needs software or something.. can't stand her...
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